Monday, December 31, 2012

Fortune is in one's own hands.

Message for the day

Expression: To have fortune in one's own hands doesn't mean to have it in the lines of one's hands. It means to have the ability to make the best use of all the resources available. When they are put to the best use, they naturally increase. Through actions one can draw the line of fortune as long as desired.

Experience: When I am able to create an elevated fortune for myself, I am able to become an inspiration for others too to create an elevated fortune for themselves. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The one who is the master of the self is able to master situations and control people.

Message for the day

Expression: If there is an attempt to control situations and people without trying to control the self it becomes impossible. It only takes things more out of control and leads to extreme emotions like anger. To be a master means to be a master of one's own feelings and emotions under all circumstances. It means to have the reins in one's own hands.

Experience: When I am able to be a master of my own thoughts, feelings and emotions I am able to deal effectively with situations and people. I never go out of control or lose my cool however difficult the situation or person may be. This enables me to be aware of my own inner resources and use it to be the best of my ability. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The one who serves others is the richest.

Message for the day

Expression: To be in a position to serve others means to be aware of the resources and treasures within. When all the powers that are within are used for the benefit of the self and others they tend to multiply and increase. So the one who continues to serve others continues to become richer.

Experience: When I serve, not only do I become richer with what I use, but for having served unselfishly I also become richer with the blessings and good wishes that emerge from the hearts of others. I am able to experience the real richness and beauty of life as there is a lot of love, happiness and joy in my life.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The easiest way to bring positivity in life is to become worthy of God's love.

Message for the day

Expression: A simple checking whether to perform an action or not is to see if it would be approved by God. When every action is thus checked, there would be positivity and benefit expressed through everything. There would not be any negative, waste or even ordinary actions performed, but only those that are sealed with the power of positivity.

Experience: When I am able to bring about such positivity in my life, I'll not only win the love of God, but also the love, praise and good wishes of all those around me. I also become trust worthy and an image of support for those who are seeking to bring positivity in their lives.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

To check regularly means to bring about a change.

Message for the day

Expression: When there is any negative action performed, there is an immediate feeling of guilt and a desire not to perform it again. But the checking also needs to be at a level where it never repeats again. Maintaining a chart of one's own weakness means checking regularly. Such checking brings about a permanent change.

Experience: When I am able to maintain a chart where I could monitor my own progress, I am able to remain committed to my transformation. Adverse situations or people will never deter me, but I am able to bring about the desired change. I am able to continue the process of transformation even when what I seek to change is not harmful in the present phase of my life. Thus regular checking will prevent carelessness from creeping in.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It is on the basis of actions that praise is received.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who only talks but is not able to put his talk into practice does not become worthy of praise. On the other hand, the one who is able to bring his good thoughts and words into action becomes worthy of praise. Such a person's actions become inspirational for others and encourage them to follow him.

Experience: When I am able to act according to my thoughts and words, I am able to take inspiration to do more. For every positive action that I do, I experience support and good wishes from others which encourage me constantly. My account of positivity is always full and it takes me further to a cycle of positivity making it a habit. So I find that I don't have to work hard for performing positive actions.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

To see only problems is to become the one who only takes service

Message for the day

Expression: When there is the practice of seeing only problems in all situations there is the inability to find solutions and act effectively. All the resources that could be used for the benefit of the self and others remain hidden. Such a person becomes dependent on others for finding solutions and a source of pity.

Experience: When I am caught up with problems and not able to see anything else, I am unable to experience progress. I find myself moving backward losing a lot of things I have. I would not be able to retain my self-confidence and would become dependent on others. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

To have power means to enjoy the variety of life.

Message for the day

Expression: When there is the inner strength there is enthusiasm to give the best and also to learn and improve with every obstacle. To work with inner power is to be like a skilled player whose focus is on enjoying the match too rather than just on winning.

Experience: When I have learned the art of focusing on my strengths, I am able to enjoy the variety scenes that life brings for me. I would enjoy dealing with all these different scenes in a natural and easy way, and also be naturally victorious. And so I have the benefit of double enjoyment.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

To fill the ones who are hopeless with hope is the greatest service.

Message for the day

Expression: To have faith by seeing the positive qualities even in the most negative person is to fill them with hope. Also to fill hope means to encourage others to move forward in the most negative situation. When this is done they are able to use their potentials for a positive purpose and slowly bring about a change for the better.

Experience: When I am able to see positivity under all circumstances, I am able to have the courage and enthusiasm to make the best out of every situation. This also naturally makes me an inspiration for those around me too and makes me an image of support for those who want to make effort.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

To have an honest heart is to bring about quick transformation.

Message for the day

Expression: Honesty brings the power of realization and this realization brings the ability to bring about a positive change. What is realized is brought into words and actions immediately and perceptibly. So the one who realizes is also the one who gets the support of others to bring about quick and easy transformation. He is able to use all the resources available without giving excuses or waiting for situations to change.

Experience: When I am honest with myself first, I am able to recognize the change that I need to bring in myself. This brings realization, and where there is realization there is an inner experience. It is this inner experience that brings about an internal transformation, which is supported automatically by external things.

Friday, December 21, 2012

To have humility is to be available for others.

Message for the day

Expression: To focus not only on the self but on others too brings humility. Such humility allows others to come close. The one who is humble is able to give others what is required. Yet he balances with a certain quietness, so that others don't become too casual and familiar

Experience: When I am humble, I am easy and light giving the love that I have within. I am free from the sorrow of expectations. Instead I actually become a reservoir of treasures from where others can take benefit. I am constantly a giver being available for others.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Understanding brings change.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who attempts to learn and understand sees things in a new light. Such understanding changes perception of things and there is the expression of a new pattern of behaviour. Negativity is easily removed providing a space for everyone's growth. New actions bring new experience and there is change and progress.

Experience: I get the commitment to growth, when I am able to covert my understating into action. I am able to bring confidence in my life. Because of my new experience, I am able to be open for further learning too. Life becomes a beautiful journey of growth.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

To have the balance of self-respect and humility

Message for the day

Expression: The one who has self-respect is able to remain stable under all circumstances. He is the one who is able to take criticism also in the right spirit and move forward on the basis of the new learning that he is able to get at each step. So such a person is also the one who has humility.

Experience: When I have the balance between humility and self-respect I am able to learn without getting affected negatively by any situation or person. My consciousness remains elevated and I am able to cross over the situations easily. In fact I am able to move forward and experience constant progress and success.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

To have positive elevated thoughts for the self is to be a well-wisher.

Message for the day

Expression: To have positive thoughts for the self is to become a well-wisher. A well wisher means the one who fills hope in the one who is without hope. Such a person is able to fill even weak ones with his own treasures of pure thoughts and helps them move forward.

Experience: When I am constantly busy with good thoughts for my own self-progress, then I automatically have good wishes for others too. I enjoy the beauty of each moment and help others too to do that. I am able to give the leg of support to the lame and become instrumental in others' progress.

Monday, December 17, 2012

To recognise the power of light is to finish darkness.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who has recognition of light is aware that darkness is not permanent. With this recognition comes the faith that there is the capability within to remove this darkness(of negativity). Thus the effort begins to be put in to remove the last trace of negativity by adding positivity.

Experience: When I understand the fact that the only way to remove darkness is to add light, I am able to have faith that the negativity will be removed. This effort keeps me in constant enthusiasm. I am never tired of the obstacles, but am constantly experiencing growth and progress with each step.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

To be powerful is to be stable in all conditions.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who recognizes the power within is able to use this power and is able to deal with the outside challenges effectively. He never reacts to situations but gives his best to every situation. He is able to go a step further with each challenging situation, using situations as a chance to move forward.

Experience: When I experience the power within, I am ready for the different challenges that life brings. So I always remain stable. I am not afraid of difficulties, but face them with courage. So I experience moving a step forward with every challenging situation that comes. I am constantly achieving more and more power.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

To be balanced is to be successful in relationships.

Message for the day

Expression: To be balanced is to have the ability to do the right thing at the right time. It is the ability to use the head and the heart at the same time. It is the ability to have love and discipline. There is neither too much love nor too much discipline. There is an equal quantity of both.

Experience: When there is balance in my every act I am successful in my relationships. Because of this I receive their blessings too. I experience success in all I do and am able to enjoy a life of bliss. I am not caught up with questions about anything but am able to get the solutions in a second.

Friday, December 14, 2012

To make a practical plan is to experience constant progress.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who is able to make a plan that is practical is able to systematically work on himself, after having understood the internal resources that could be used. So such a person is working on himself, and also evaluating himself constantly. Whatever the shortcomings may be, they are removed and new efforts are put in constantly.

Experience: When I am able to follow a plan for my own progress diligently, then I am able to experience constant progress in my life. I am able to perceive even the small discrepancies and I am able to work further for my own progress. I am able to appreciate success in the little ways that I get and am able to put in greater effort.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

To be humble is to get a share of the outcome.

Message for the day

Expression: There is surely the contribution of each and everyone in the success of a task. The efforts of the one who puts in his best with humility are recognized. Humility enables such a person to give unconditionally, to give without expecting anything in return, even without any visible gains.

Experience: Since I don't expect anything I find that people are ready to give without conditions. I am able to appreciate whatever I get. I am also able to continue with what I started. I naturally put in continuous effort for the success of the task, whether there is recognition or not. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

To say I will do it is to ensure success

Message for the day

Expression: The ones who have faith are able to believe in succeeding even in the most difficult circumstances. They will never say "I will try to do it" but their words reflect the confidence, which make them say, "I will do it". They are able to make best use of the available resources and also find yet undiscovered resources.

Experience: When I am able to work with faith and believe in the success of a task, I'll naturally fill it with positive and powerful vibrations. This naturally ensures that the task is successful. Also people provide maximum support, as I am totally committed and confident. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Enthusiasm and alertness contribute to success.

Message for the day

Expression: To have enthusiasm means to guarantee continuous effort. The one who is enthusiastic never stops with challenging situations, but makes effort to move forward. When enthusiasm is combined with alertness there is the ability to bring balance so that there is caution along with courage.

Experience: When I am able to maintain my enthusiasm I am able to have courage in all situations. When I take up a step forward with courage I also experience the help that I get from others and also from God. I thus experience success at every step.

Monday, December 10, 2012

To make effort to remove the thorn of weakness is to be virtuous.

Message for the day

Expression: The presence of even one weakness within oneself reveals itself in words and actions. Behavior is colored with negativity and the inner specialities remain hidden. So to make effort to be free from the influence of even this little weakness is to spread the fragrance of virtues to all.

Experience: When I pay attention even to the smallest weakness I can take special care not to let it influence my life negatively. I am able to reach within and be in touch with my specialities. So however challenging the situations may be, I am
only focused on using my virtues and not my weaknesses.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Patience and accuracy bring achievement of goals.

Message for the day

: As much as it is important to set up goals for ourselves it is also equally important to put in effort for the achievement of these goals. The one who works with the two qualities of patience and accuracy, are able to put in effort work with commitment, under all circumstances. They are able to recognize the success that they get in little things and work further till they reach the goal.

Experience: When I am accurate in my efforts, I experience satisfaction and contentment. I also have the patience to understand the significance of my own effort and the result that I attain. So I am able to experience the sweetness of the result that I get in little ways. I also have the firm faith that I will attain whatever goal I set for myself.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

To have courage to work on the self is to find the beauty within.

Message for the day

Expression: Situations come that challenge one's own strength. At such times the mind tends to become weak displaying weaknesses. Then there is no courage to look within. The one who is able to be introspective at that time is able to find a new learning. He is thus able to express the beauty that is lying within.

Experience: When I understand that at each step of my life, situations come to bring out some quality from within, I'll never be afraid of situations. I'll have the courage to challenge my own assumptions and move forward based on the learning that I get and the beauty that I have been able to discover.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Contentment brings an experience of all other virtues.

Message for the day

Expression: Where there is contentment, there is surely an expression of all that is lying within. There is no need to look for external supports or signals to bring out what is within, but it is naturally used to make the best out of every situation. Contentment also brings about a desire to be better and better so one is able to work towards this end.

Experience: When I am content I am able to have a state of mind that is creative. So I am able to tap the inner resources for my own personal growth. I am able to creatively work with my own inner virtues and am able to add them even to the little acts that I do. I am never satisfied to the point of laziness.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Love enables one to be free from mistakes.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who has discovered the true love within in able to express this love under all circumstances. Love enables one to naturally and intuitively to give the best and so the right thing is done. Every word and act reflects the love and concern, thus benefiting others naturally. There is perfection visible in such a person.

Experience: True love enables me to give, without effort required to be put in. There is no effort doing the right things, but I do what is required to be done. There is a sense of satisfaction in giving without expecting. Also there is an experience of personal growth with every new situation enabling to move towards greater heights of maturity.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Compassion brings the ability to listen from heart.

Message for the day

Expression: When there is compassion for others, there is the ability to listen to others, to their words and also their feelings when there is the power to listen,there is understanding. This understanding enables one to be more caring and loving in words and actions too, giving according to others needs.

Experience: When I am open to the others feelings, I am able to relate to them effectively . I never let go of my inner strength becoming a source of support for others. I become such a strong pillar of support that others are able to free themselves of their negativity.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

To be free from desires is to be a donor.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who is aware of what he has attained is free from desires. He is able to recognize what he has and use it for one's own benefit and the benefit of others too. He is able to give without expecting from others i.e., he is able to give unconditionally.

Experience: When I am constantly in touch with my own inner treasures I am able to experience the richness and beauty of life. I experience contentment and satisfaction for what I have. As I continue to use these treasures, I find myself getting richer and richer with these internal treasures.

Monday, December 3, 2012

To be an example is to economise words.

Message for the day

Expression: Everyone is looking for examples and role models. The one who is able to become an example for others by living his life with quality is the one who becomes an inspiration to others. Then there is no need for so many words to express what has to be done. Whatever is required to be done will be done without having to be told.

Experience: When I have the aim of becoming a role model, I not only improve myself but also am able to give inspiration to others too. I find that the support and the cooperation comes very naturally and easily. So nothing is difficult for me as I am able to pool in everyone's resources without having to be told

Sunday, December 2, 2012

To be stabilised in the state of self-respect is to give respect too.

Message for the day

Expression: When someone is working with his own weakness, one way is just to be caught up with that weakness by looking at it. It is in fact more important to provide support and strength to the one who is weak because he has no strength of his own at that time. There is the ability to do this only when there is the ability to be aware of one's own inner strength, i.e., self-respect brings respect for others.

Experience: When I have respect for myself, I am able to maintain a positive state of mind at all times. When I am able to help others through my own positive attitude, I find myself free from the problem of the conflict of relationships and the negative feelings that emerge because of it. I am able to make others powerful too and thus earn their good wishes and blessings.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

To see specialities is to receive blessings.

Message for the day

Expression: Sometimes people are not able to use their specialities. But even at such times if one has the ability to see their specialities there is the ability to give courage and enthusiasm to them. One can provide them with such an environment that allows their own growth. So whatever the circumstances may be, there is progress.

Experience: When I am able to see the positive aspect of others, I can keep my mind free from a major portion of negativity. The potential of my thoughts can be used fully for my own inner progress and I can therefore make a contribution for the others too. This earns me blessings and good wishes from others, which further enhances my own progress.

Friday, November 30, 2012

To recognize inner treasures is to use them well.

Message for the day

Expression: Time, energy and thoughts are one's greatest treasures. The ones who recognize these treasures are able to look after them carefully and use them for the benefit of all. None of these inner resources are ever wasted. When these treasures are used properly and are put to full use, they bring in the best external treasures too.

Experience: When I am in touch with myself and give attention to myself, I am able to recognize these inner treasures. These treasures keep me rich at all times, even when external circumstances are not so favourable. Further use of these treasures makes me only richer and richer.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

To have positive feelings for others is to be saved from sorrow.

Message for the day 

Expression: Everyone has both positive qualities and negative qualities or weaknesses. But the one who is able to see others' positivity is able to respond to this positivity. He is able to inspire them to recognize and use these positive qualities. His words are constantly encouraging, giving courage and enthusiasm.

Experience: When I keep myself free from seeing negativity, I am able to keep myself free from sorrow too. My mind is filled with only good and positive things. I am never caught up with only problems but am able to easily find the solutions for them, however difficult or challenging they seem to be.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

To have the courage to face challenges is to overcome weaknesses.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who has the courage to face challenges surely puts in effort to find a solution for them. He is not caught up with these challenges but understands that they are an expression of his own weakness. To wish for the challenge to finish on its own without working on it, or to make effort to move away from the situation is escapism, which doesn't lead to success.

Experience: When I am prepared for all the challenges that come my way I am able to finish my own weaknesses. I have the courage to understand that the challenge is not from the situation itself but is because of my internal weakness. So I am able to be stable and strong even in the most difficult situations.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Generosity wins love and respect.

Message for the day

Expression: To be generous means to be able to recognise the specialities within and use them for everyone's benefit. The one who is generous never expects others to understand or give but is able to give constantly from whatever he has. He is able to spread the fragrance of his specialities to those around.

Experience: When I am generous, everyone around me is benefited and I find that I am able to win the love and respect for all. My continuous contribution inspires others to make effort to change and I become an example and inspiration for them. I am able to move forward with ease.

Monday, November 26, 2012

To have the art of lightening the environment is to be specially loved.

Message for the day

Expression: The one who has mastered the art of lightening the environment is able to create a positive impact wherever he goes. His words and behaviour constantly enrich the environment around and create lightness in each and everyone. So such a person is specially loved, winning the good wishes of all.

Experience: When I am able to be a master of everything around me, I am able to experience lightness. It is this inner lightness that enables me to contribute to the external lightness too. Thus I am able to be the best and do the best, however difficult the circumstances may be.

Soul Sustenance 

The Soul Journey 

A common question asked by many is – “Do we go back to the soul world, the incorporeal world (non-physical world), the home of all souls, when we die?” When we understand and experience ourselves as souls, as un-destroyable, eternal beings, we realize that death is only a physical phenomenon. At the death of the body, the soul enters another physical costume and a new chapter in its journey of life begins. Depending on the soul's ‘karma’ performed through the body, its new birth is likely to be somewhere in the company of those souls with whom it has been close in previous births. It is quite a paradox that when a soul leaves a body, the relations which it has left, mourn over the loss of their loved one, and the new relations which it gets attached to celebrate with happiness, over an addition of a new-born entrant in their family.

The soul only leaves the home (the soul world) once in a unique, personal journey. This journey of the soul is not linear i.e. a straight line, with a beginning and an end. But, on the other hand, it is cyclic i.e. a circle, with neither a beginning, nor an end – although both leaving the soul world and going back to the soul world happen once each in every cycle. This soul journey can be compared to actors who leave home to go to the theatre to play their parts. They change costumes between scenes - they don't return home at the end of each scene, they return home when the play is finished, only to return the next day to repeat their part in the play. Each birth of the soul that it takes can be compared to a new scene of the play, which consists of many different scenes.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, November 25, 2012

To consider life a journey is to constantly move forward.

Message for the day 

Expression: To be on a journey means to be able to put in effort to move forward constantly. The one who is on a journey is able to use his qualities to enrich his own life and contribute to those around too. He is also able to contribute to make each thing better around him. He doesn't stop with temporary obstacles but continues to move forward.

Experience: When I am on a journey I am able to enjoy the journey as much as I am able to appreciate the destination. I can move on tirelessly towards my destination. I experience constant progress and success in everything I do, because there is forward growth in all I do. I am also able to inspire others too.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

To consider oneself to be a server means to be humble.

Message for the day 

Expression: Each one is endowed with certain specialities and gifts. The one who is able to use these specialties for the benefit of others as a server, is able to make a contribution to better the lives of those around. But the one who only thinks of his specialities and a chance for expressing the specialities is not able to remain humble.

Experience: All the specialties that I have are there for a purpose. The more I use it to benefit others, the more I am able to use them with humility. I am also able to gather the good wishes of those around me and further increase my specialities. I have no expectations from others but am able to give unconditionally, recognizing their need.

Soul Sustenance 

Providing Emotional Support To Your Loved Ones 

What do we do when friends and loved ones come to us for, and expect emotional support from us? Spirituality teaches us the right technique of providing emotional support – the technique of detached involvement, which is the technique of not being overawed, of not being affected ourselves by the emotions of others. If a friend, colleague or any loved one is upset and we also get upset (because we love them – that’s what we normally say), we cannot provide them the necessary support or the assistance to see why they are reacting emotionally and how they might change the nature of their emotions by themselves. True love for someone would mean that I am able to provide them that. While being concerned is fine, but by becoming upset, seeing them upset simply aggravates the situation and adds fuel to their fire.

By remaining detached, we can be more effective in our ability to care, listen and help them think clearly about the situation, they find themselves in. Only if we are stable, and that can happen only when we are detached, will we be able to provide them stability. We can encourage and empower them to change their negative reaction to a more positive response, and thereby generate a healthier energy. If we become over-involved in someone else's problems, there is a risk that our own judgment will be affected negatively. This is why making decisions and choices under the influence of your own and others' emotions is normally ineffective.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, November 23, 2012

To be in good company means to be protected from the storms of situations.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who understands the significance of what happens to him, is not affected by the various situations that come by his way. On the other hand, he is able to use such situations as gifts for his own personal progress. He is able to realize the importance of keeping such company that will enable him to overcome the negative impact and use it in a positive way.

Experience: When I take the support of good company to win over the negative impact that certain situations create, I am able to enjoy the growth process. Then for me situations are never those that can take me backward but they take me forward at every step. I am able to experience success at every step, whatever the situations may be.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The one who is able to pass things is the one who is able to pass in all situations.

Message for the day 

Expression: When there is the ability to understand the significance of everything that happens and pass by things with lightness, there is also the ability to move forward in spite of difficult situations. So whatever happens, there is the awareness of the resources that are available and use them for further progress. So the one who is able to do this is able to be free from failing in situations.

Experience: Since I am able to pass all the situations with a smile, I pass in the exam of life and get the result of satisfaction. I am not caught up with temporary challenges and situations, but am able to move forward in a powerful way. I use situations for taking me a step ahead.

Soul Sustenance

Carrying Feelings Experienced In Meditation Into My Interactions 

If I keep close contact with my internal self, to check what my feelings are like and I maintain the ‘meditative’ awareness at many moments during the day, even if it is for very short periods of time, I will find that the good feelings I have experienced through conscious choice, in meditation, I carry them with me into my interactions with others. Then, in any exchange, although the other person's thoughts, words or actions may not be as I would like them to be, I'll be better equipped to maintain a good feeling towards that individual, and towards myself.

For example, I meditate in the morning and then leave home and find myself in a situation in the office where two of my colleagues are arguing over an issue. When I try and intervene, one of them gets aggressive with me as well, but the feelings of peace I experienced in my meditation a couple of hours ago are still with me, using which I do not reacting angrily or fearfully. In fact, if my peace is powerful enough, it will make the other one also peaceful.

So the key is to ‘emerge’ and ‘collect’ positive feelings through meditation at regular intervals during the day. And then become a donor of positive feelings to negative situations as discussed above is an invaluable achievement. It is good for my own wellbeing, and for contributing to the creation of a peaceful atmosphere wherever I am, whenever required.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

To consider oneself a trustee is to use all treasures well.

Message for the day 

Expression: When there is the awareness of being a trustee of God, there is not only recognition but also good use of the internal treasures. These internal treasures are of virtues and specialities. All these are used wisely and well. Such a person is able to be loving and detached at the same time.

Experience: When I have the consciousness of being a trustee, I am able to look within and get in touch with my own internal treasures. It gives me the consciousness of having respect for myself without developing any ego. I have no negative feelings both when these treasures are not used or when situations demand more than what I feel I have.

Soul Sustenance

The Seven Relationships With The Supreme 

Every soul has a close relationship with the Supreme (God), but we simply forget it as we become over-involved in, attached to and distracted by our life on the physical plane and our different relationships with different physical beings during our journey of births and rebirths. Spirituality makes us realize the need of restoring our connection with God, which has either broken or has become loose. It also makes us realize that this connection needs to be a very deep and personal one.

God plays many roles, just as a good parent, being one, but will play many roles while bringing up his or her child. Each role consists of different spiritual characteristics and virtues of God, expressed by Him. Take a few moments to think about the main roles that God plays in our life and identify the main virtues and characteristics which He expresses e.g. in the role of Father He demonstrates the art of living to us and how to perform right ‘karmas’. In the role of Mother he gives spiritual sustenance, in the form of virtues like peace, love and joy to us. In the role of Teacher, he showers us with true knowledge of the spirit or the soul. These are just a few examples. We suggest you do your own thinking about seven different roles that God plays: Father, Mother, Teacher, Guide (or ‘Guru’), Companion (or Beloved), Friend, Child and how he plays them. Once you have done this inner thinking exercise, experience each of these seven roles on each of the seven different days of the week, one role per day. Feel Him being in that role for you and then note what you feel exactly and how you relate to Him. Also identify the spiritual characteristics and virtues that it brings out from within you.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

To take up responsibility is to be free from guilt.

Message for the day

Expression: When there is the ability to take up responsibility, everything is done to one's best ability. So no mistakes happen, hence there is no guilt. Even when things go wrong the one who takes up responsibility does something to correct the situation. So such a person is also free from guilt.

Experience: When I am able to take up responsibility for everything that happens in my life, I am able to experience constant progress. On the basis of my own experience and learning. So when big challenges come my way, instead of being afraid, I am able to remain positive and stable. This further keeps me away from guilt.

Monday, November 19, 2012

To be successful is to have the satisfaction of doing well.

Message for the day

Expression: Real success in not based on what one gets, but is more based on what effort one feels he has put in. So even when there is no visible attainment of the effort put in, the one who is successful, constantly looks at how well the task has been done. The focus is also on what new things have been learnt. So there is the ability to enrich oneself and bring out the best.

Experience: When I am able to look at myself, instead of situations and at people, I am able to enjoy the experience of enriching myself. I am able to experience constant success as I have been able to satisfy myself first before I can think of satisfying anyone else. I find myself enriched and I also become an inspiration for so many others. I constantly move towards success.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The one who has the power of truth is the one who can tolerate.

Message for the day 

Projection: When someone disbelieves me I usually tend to argue back and try to prove my point to the others but find that I am not able to convince them. Yet I find that the more I talk the less I am listened to. And I only end up getting frustrated.

Solution: When someone challenges the truth of my words, I need to check within myself if there is something that I can correct or learn. When I learn to do this, instead of being stubborn with what I have to say or blaming others, I find it easy to tolerate.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Detachment brings the power of realisation, which enables recognition of one's mistakes.

Message for the day 

Projection: Detachment means to be detached from our old ways of thinking and habits. When we are detached, we have the power of realisation, which enables us to correct our mistakes without giving excuses. If not we'll just continue to prove to ourselves and to others that we are right even if we are not.

Solution: When someone points at my mistake, it is good to get detached from my old nature and ask myself if there is anything that I can do to correct myself. When I am able to do this I get the power to learn and continue to improve myself with every criticism that comes my way.

Soul Sustenance

Perfecting The Art Of .Detached Involvement. In Relationships 

Perfecting the art of .detachment involvement. is a necessity if we are to meditate successfully. But a newcomer to meditation might wonder how can we become detached? Don.t we have to run our homes and offices and interact with people even if we are practicing meditation? Then does detachment not mean that we are withdrawing from our relationships and becoming .cold.?

In almost all spiritual paths right through the passage of time a lot of significance has been given to the practice of detachment. This is simply because one of the deepest habits all souls have developed in the cycle of birth and rebirth is attachment and we don't realize that whatever we become attached to becomes a trap for our consciousness, for the self, which causes the creation of fear inside us.

So then how do we know that we are attached to someone or something? We know that we are attached when we start thinking about someone or something when they are not present with us and when there is no need to think about them. Sometimes realizing and sometimes without us realizing consciously at that time, our mental energy is being drained and we do not have control over our thoughts and feelings. Whenever we become attached to anything, we automatically invite fear to be present, whether it is to people, objects, position, power, money or even an opinion. Any form of attachment means there will be a fear of damage or loss. Fear then takes many forms like worry, anxiety and stress as it hinders our spiritual growth. Where there is fear, love cannot exist. Detachment is the foundation if we are to remain positive, fearless and loving towards others while interacting with them. This is known as .detached involvement..

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, November 16, 2012

The power of determination brings thought into practice.

Message for the day 

Projection: We do have a number of thoughts that we would like to put into practice. Most of the times it doesn't happen that way and they remain merely thoughts. It is necessary to strengthen such thoughts with the power of determination and we will be able to make them practical.

Solution: Let me think of something that I wanted to do but could not bring into practice. Now let me take this thought once again and see why it is important for me to bring it into practice. Once I understand this I will be able to be determined to put it into practice.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Faith in God will make us feel victorious in all situations.

Message for the day 

Projection: Faith in God will make us experience His companionship in everything we do. And the basis for this is love. Where there is love there is never a moment of loneliness. Thus we will be able to move forward with courage in all the challenges that life brings.

Solution: Let me think of one situation where I have found myself failing. Now let me take a thought that God is with me to help me in this situation. When I believe this, I will find that I'll get the courage to accept and face the situation. Then I can also work and bring about a change in the situation.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To have trust in others is to get their cooperation.

Message for the day 

Projection: When we have faith in others, they will have faith in themselves too and this creates enthusiasm in them. This further serves to increase self-confidence in the one we are working with.

Solution: When I find that someone whom I am working with is not cooperating with me, let me make the practice of telling myself that I have complete faith in that person. Slowly I will find that person cooperating with me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Silence brings the experience of the power within.

Message for the day 

Projection: When we see with a silent mind, a mind free from questions and waste thoughts , we will be able to see beyond what is visibly happening. This enables us to go beyond the situation. It is like flying high and looking down below and we'll be able to see things clearly and also be able to fly across the barriers very easily.

Solution: All I need to do when I am tired of the situation I am going through is to take some moments of silence to remind myself of the power within me. When I get detached and watch the situation as I would watch a play I would be able to enjoy each thing that happens. This detachment gives me the power to understand the situation accurately and overcome all obstacles.

Monday, November 12, 2012

To be in silence is to experience true peace that is within.

Message for the day

Projection: We are peaceful beings but external situations pull us away from our peace if we let them. When there is not a very positive situation that we are confronted with, we need to save ourselves from the pull of the outside situation and rely on the peace within by practicing silence.

Solution: Every morning let me take a few moments of silence and practice being a peaceful being, who is totally in charge of myself. When I make this practice firm, when difficult situations do come I will be able to rely more on my internal peace instead of getting carried away by the external situations.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Silence brings creativity.

Message for the day

Projection: Every great invention of science or art has always been in silence. Silence just doesn't mean that we don't talk or there is no noise. Silence is a beautiful quality of the mind where we are able to experience the peace that is within. This automatically brings out the best from within us.

Solution: It is very important to spend a few moments each day in solitude. During this time I need to practice stabilising myself in a single thought of peace. Let the experience of peace from me flow to others too. During interactions too, let me redirect my mind to a state of peace. Consistent practice like this will help me become more and more creative.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The power of silence can bring peace to any situation.

Message for the day 

Projection: The instruments for the power of silence are pure thoughts and pure feelings. We can give others an experience with the power of our silence. When we understand and experience the power of silence we will become more powerful. We will then be able to experience peace that will naturally spread to others too.

Solution: When I have to correct someone in any situation I first need to remind myself that words will not work but silence based on pure feelings and love will surely work. When I accept the person as he is with love I will be able to bring about a change in him. The lesser I talk the more the peace that is created.

Friday, November 9, 2012

To be clean at heart is to give happiness to others.

Message for the day 

Projection: The one who has a clean heart is the one who always tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done by them. Instead, he is able to do the right action without losing the balance. So such a person brings joy for himself and for others through every action he performs.

Solution: When I have a clean heart I am able to have an experience of my inner qualities. I am able to enjoy the beauty of the different relationships, each relationship and each person being unique. Thus others are able to get in touch with their inner beauty too. So there is joy experienced by all.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Flexibility brings joy.

Message for the day

Projection: Each day we face new situations - nothing remains the same. Joy lies in being flexible and adapt to the situation, whatever it may be. If we don't think too much we are able to experience the pleasure of adjusting ourselves. Where we have a rigid nature, we will not be happy.

Solution: When things change demanding me to adapt and adjust, I need to make sure that I enjoy that too. I need not ask what happened or why it happened, but just enjoy the change which has something new to teach. When I practice in this way, every situation brings joy to me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The one who has the humility to learn and progress is the one who experiences constant joy.

Message for the day

Projection: We need to take responsibility for the mistakes we have committed and have the enthusiasm to learn from them. This comes when there is humility which also brings honesty

with the self. So there is an experience of constant change and progress. At all times there is the ability to bring about change and so there is an experience of joy under all circumstances.

Solution: When I am honest with myself, I am able to find the joy of learning from my mistakes. Mistakes don't make me heavy because I know I have something to learn from them. There is constantly enthusiasm to bring about a change and move forward. My inner joy allows me to progress constantly thereby becoming an inspiration for many to bring about change.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

To be simple is to be sample

Message for the day 

Projection: When we are simple in our thoughts, we are simple in our responses to the outer environment i.e., to both situations and people. So internally we are able to remain content.

This contentment further brings newness and creativity in the way we respond to situations, and we naturally experience further progress.

Solution: In all that I do let me check if I am free from expectations i.e., am I free from the complications of waste questions, doubts and expectations. Then naturally I become accurate

and inspiring in my actions. I am able to understand the demands of the environment and mould myself accordingly. I become a role model or an example for those around me.

Monday, November 5, 2012

To become an embodiment of peace is to become a bestower of peace.

Message for the day

Projection: People in the world only want peace and happiness. When we experience peace ourselves we can give others this experience too. Where there is peace there would naturally be happiness too.

Solution: It is very important to spend a few moments each day in solitude. During this time I need to practice stabilising myself in one powerful thought. Let the experience of peace from me flow to others too. During interactions too, let me keep my mind free from waste thoughts and I will find that others will be free from them too.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The one who is simple is the one who is free from pain.

Message for the day

Projection: When I am simple I am able to be free from pain or hurt even in adverse situations. I am able to take benefit from the wealth of experiences accumulated over the past without feeling the pain. With simplicity I know that I need to remember the past only to the extent that I have to learn from it.

Solution: When something goes wrong and I find myself thinking about it again and again, I need to remind myself that all the past experiences are only for me to learn from them. The past is finished and I don't have to undergo the sorrow again thinking about the past repeatedly.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Truth brings simplicity.

Message for the day

Projection: When you have the power of truth, you are simple. When there is a connection with falsehood, there is artificiality and complications. If you have the power of truth within you and you are living with it, you will never want to show off, nor would you be dependent on the compliments of others. So life becomes simple and easy.

Solution: If you ever find yourself having waste thoughts because of your expectations from others, ask yourself what you expect from them that you don't have within yourself. The more you learn the art of connecting to your own innate truth, the easier it becomes to keep your life free from complications.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Greatness is visible in simplicity.

Message for the day

Projection: The simplicity within me brings benefit to many. Simplicity doesn't mean I have to give up all I have, but it only means that I give up the attraction and attachment to whatever I am using. With simplicity my lifestyle takes on an easiness that in itself can be a healing source to those around.

Solution: I need to make the practice of being detached even while using everything. I need not give up anything, but while using everything, I need to remember that what I have is for the use of everyone and not to get dependent on it. When I am detached in this way I will be able to bring benefit to all around me.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The one who is simple is the one who is free from pain.

Message for the day

Projection: When I am simple I am able to be free from pain or hurt even in adverse situations. I am able to take benefit from the wealth of experiences accumulated over the past without feeling the pain. With simplicity I know that I need to remember the past only to the extent that I have to learn from it.

Solution: When something goes wrong and I find myself thinking about it again and again, I need to remind myself that all the past experiences are only for me to learn from them. The past is finished and I don't have to undergo the sorrow again thinking about the past repeatedly.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Simplicity sharpens the power of perception.

Message for the day

Projection: When there is simplicity within me, the clouds or layers that prevent my perception begin to fade away and I can see the situation clearly. With simplicity I find that there is nothing to colour or change my perception and naturally the decisions that follow become accurate too.

Solution: Before I take any important decision I need to stop for a while, detach myself from the situation and see it with a cool mind. With this my thoughts will become free from all kind of associated memories and unnecessary attitudes and I will be able to make the right decision.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Simplicity comes with love for internal solitude.

Message for the day

Projection: When I develop love for internal solitude, I'll be able to go within and experience the qualities and uniqueness within myself. Then, instead of searching for happiness from outside, I'll be able to experience the happiness within whilst facing everything that life brings.

Solution: Each day I need to give a little time exclusively for myself. I need to make an appointment with myself and spend that time in talking positively to myself and experiencing my own uniqueness and speciality. With recognition of these qualities I find my life becoming free from complexity.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Detachment brings stability.

Message for the day

Projection: When we use the facilities we have with detachment, we will not be influenced by them but will make full use of them. When we are attached to the instruments we will not be able to remain stable if those instruments are not available for us.

Solution: If I ever find myself in a situation where some facility which I use is not available for me, I need to remind myself that the facilities that I use are my creation and I need not be dependent on them. In this way I can maintain my stability.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The one who considers himself as a server is the one who can remains stable in all situations.

Message for the day

Projection: In all that we do, if we have the consciousness of being a server i.e., the one who is available for bringing benefit to those around us in one way or the other, we can be stable. When we have this consciousness, we would naturally have no expectations either from people or situations and we will be stable.

Solution: Each day it is necessary for me to take the thought that each person I meet should take something (even if it is a good wish) from me and no one should go away empty-handed. When I do this, I will be able to be free from expectations and I can naturally be stable.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Stability is to remain unshakeable, without any fluctuation in all situations.

Message for the day

Projection: If we have no stability, even small things begin to upset us. When we have the power of stability, we can be unshakeable in all situations. Stability helps us to be firmly set in our position even in opposition i.e., even in unfavourable situations.

Solution: When things are not going very smooth, it is necessary to remind myself that nothing is permanent. When I have the faith that things will surely change, I will be able to maintain my stability in all situations.


Friday, October 26, 2012

To be connected to one's own specialities is to be enthusiastic.

Message for the day

Projection: To think of one's own weakness again and again is to lose enthusiasm. When we are able to know our own strengths and make effort to work with them consciously, we are able to be enthusiastic constantly. We are able to see difficult or challenging situations as a means of bringing out our own specialities.

Solution: I need to work on myself in such a way that I consciously use my own specialities for adding value and beauty to whatever I do. It is not just important to do special things to use my specialities. But it is also important to use my specialities even in the most ordinary tasks. Then enthusiasm never fades.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Enthusiasm makes even difficult things easy.

Message for the day

Projection: Enthusiasm makes the biggest obstacle look like a very tiny one. It makes even a storm(toofan) to be like a gift(tohfa) and makes us enjoy each situation like a game. And when we have the awareness that there's nothing that is difficult, we can surely achieve what we want to.

Solution: I should be able to change my consciousness in such a way that when obstacles come my way, I should automatically be filled with more enthusiasm to work at and overcome these obstacles. With my enthusiasm I will surely find a way to make things happen.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The one who is enthusiastic makes others enthusiastic too.

Message for the day

Projection: The one who has this one speciality of enthusiasm, will be instrumental in bringing many other specialities. The words of such a person will fill others with courage and fill with hope, the ones who are hopeless.

Solution: When I find someone who is not able to maintain his enthusiasm, it is good to remind myself that I am responsible for creating enthusiasm in others. When I take up responsibility in this way I will be able to finish laziness and carelessness within me and I will be enthusiastic too.   

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The one who is aware of his fortune is the one who is constantly enthusiastic.

Message for the day

Projection: Sometimes there are situations in which we don't really get encouraging results. When we are aware of what we have and what we have achieved, we can be enthusiastic even when things are not going right.

Solution: In order to maintain my enthusiasm, what I need to do is to remind myself of my fortune. When I am able to do this, I will not become disheartened in any situation. Instead I will be able to make the best of the situation.

Monday, October 22, 2012

True peace is an experience of freedom.

Message for the day

Projection: When challenging situations come our way, we are not able to be free from the use of our own negative habits and traits. We are then not able to give our best to the situation. Then there is both internal and external chaos. On the other hand working with our specialties help us experience freedom from negativity.

Solution: I need a long time of practice of being in a state of peace for being able to experience it naturally during the challenging time. So let me practice having an experience of some special quality of mine. This practice over a period of time helps me be with it in the difficult time too and I am able to be peaceful. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Peace is found within but not outside.

Message for the day 

Projection: We are peaceful beings but external situations pull us away from our peace if we let them. When there is not a very positive situation that we are confronted with, we need to save ourselves from the pull of the outside situation and rely on the peace within.

Solution: Every morning let me practice being a peaceful being, who is totally in charge of myself. When I make this practice firm, when difficult situations do come I will be able to rely more on my internal peace instead of getting carried away by the external situations.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The power of silence can bring peace to any situation.

Message for the day

Projection: The instruments for the power of silence are pure thoughts and pure feelings. We can give others an experience with the power of our silence.When we understand and experience the power of silence we will become more powerful. We will then be able to experience peace that will naturally spread to others too.

Solution: When I have to correct someone in any situation I first need to remind myself that words will not work but silence based on pure feelings and love will surely work. When I accept the person as he is with love I will be able to bring about a change in him. The lesser I talk the more the peace that is created.

Friday, October 19, 2012

To experience peace is to be in one powerful stage.

Message for the day

Projection: The more the thoughts we have, the lesser the peace that is experienced in the mind. When we are able to maintain a powerful thought throughout the day whatever the situations come our way we can experience constant peace.

Solution: Right in the morning let me take a thought that is positive and powerful. For example, 'victory is my birthright' or 'I am always fortunate'. Whatever the situations I come across, let me emerge this thought and I will be able to maintain peace.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Love for God gives us faith and makes us powerful in all situations.

Message for the day

Projection: When we have love for God, we are able to experience His companionship in everything we do. Where there is love there is never a moment of loneliness. Thus we will be able to move forward being powerful in spite of all the challenges that life brings.

Solution: Let me think of one situation where I had an experience of failure. Now let me bring the consciousness that God is with me to help me in this situation. When I believe this, I will find that I have the power and courage to accept and face the situation. So I am also able to work and bring about a change in the situation. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fearlessness comes when there is the power of truth.

Message for the day

Projection: Fearlessness comes when there is the power of truth within us. When we are constantly truthful, we will have nothing to fear. In all the challenges we face everyday we will be able to maintain our faith and courage because of our power of truth.

Solution: Let me make sure my actions are based on truth and when things go wrong, I will still be able to fearless. I need to keep reminding myself that I have the power of truth with me and I will be victorious, whatever may be the challenges that come my way.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

To experience divinity is to experience the power of silence.

Message for the day

Projection: The instrument for the power of silence is to be connected to our own inner divinity. We can spread the fragrance of our virtues to all we meet. So the mind is silent and carefree under all circumstances. When we experience the power of silence we will become more powerful. We will then be able to experience peace that will naturally spread to others too.

Solution: When I have to correct someone in any situation I first need to remind myself that words will not work but silence based on an experience of my own divinity will surely work. When I accept the person as he is with love connecting to his inherent divine nature, I will be able to bring about a change in him.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The power within changes even hopeless situations into hopeful ones.

Message for the day

Projection: All of us have so much power within that we are able to see the brighter side of the situation when we use this power. Where there is power, there is happiness and this automatically makes the most hopeless situations into something beautiful. Thus we can be peaceful and happy. When we are able to maintain this stage we find that things change for the better too.

Solution: Let me think of one situation that I'm not happy with. Let me use my inner power to accept the situation as it is without expecting it to change. This acceptance will give me the faith that things are happening for the best. With this faith even the most hopeless situation will turn positive.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

To be sincere in removing weaknesses is to have the power to overcome them.

Message for the day

Projection: While it is important to recognize strengths, it is also important to recognize and acknowledge weaknesses. With honesty, when we understand our weaknesses, with sincerity we are able to work and have the power to overcome them. We are then able to find the right method too.

Solution: Let me take a positive thought connected to my weakness and remind myself of that thought at least 5 times a day. For example, if my weakness is anger, let me remind myself of my inherent peace with thoughts like 'I am a being of peace' 'peace is inherent within me'. When I practice sincerely with this I find that the power within emerges emerges strength finishing weakness (peace emerges finishing anger).

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