Wednesday, August 26, 2015

To have the right frame of mind is to bring benefit.

Message for the day 26-08-2015

Thought to ponder: Difficult situations do come to everyone, and it is during these situations that one needs to give their best to tackle them. Yet, we find it is quite the opposite. Negativity comes creating weakness of the mind. So, whatever decisions we take at this time are not appropriate or fruitful. We tend to lose sight of opportunities and there is loss. 

Point to practice: Today I will pick out one problem that I have been worrying about. I will take the thought that this problem is there to go. It will surely go one day as nothing is permanent. I will then look for solutions with a positive frame of mind. If I still don't find solutions, I will stop thinking about it, because thinking too much about one thing amounts to worrying. 

Soul Sustenance 26-08-2015

Discovering God (Part 2)

Love for God is incomplete without a complete realization of who God is and what are His nature's different characteristics. Also as the saying goes in Hindi that God as He is and what He is, only a few in crores and even from those few very few will realize Him completely. There can be crores who think about Him and even love Him very much and also realize Him partially or incompletely but only a few extremely pure minds will realize Him completely and accurately and also become like Him. These selected few are amongst us and absolutely normal humans but the only specialty they have is that they are extremely pure and humble, as a result of which God reveals Himself completely to them. Purity of the mind, which means a mind that has made itself completely free of lust and anger, which means not only words and actions but our thoughts are completely free of these two emotions. Also, humility or egolessness while performing actions. Such a mind will be able to perceive God and His nature completely and experience His love in the sacred space of His mind. You might say that what is life without lust, anger and ego as life without these is not possible but then ask those who are on a journey to free themselves of these three emotions and are getting closer to God more and more each day and making others around them a part of their closeness. Such people are very few but they exist and are looked upto by God also.

It is like the taste of the mango. The one who has tasted it can only know its taste and say it is absolutely delicious. God is the most beautiful being that exists and to have a close relationship with Him means becoming as beautiful as Him over a period of time and as a result getting to know Him more and more in return and fulfill the spiritual heart's desire. This desire exists inside each one of us, but is sometimes hidden because we have become over-involved in materialism and forgotten our eternal relationship with Him.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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