Sunday, March 31, 2013

The biggest treasure of all is the treasure of experience.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who has the treasure of experience is able to bring benefit to others. He is clear in thinking and accurate in judgement. So he is naturally able to give directions or corrections based on his own experiences and is also successful in it. Also there is equality in what he talks and does.

Experience: To be an embodiment of experience means to learn from everything that happens. So when I am able to become an embodiment of experience, I am able to feel mastery over every situation that comes my way. The power of my experience enables me to move lightly through all situations.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

To be a giver means to give according to need.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is a giver would be sensitive to the needs of others and will be able to give what the other person needs at the right time, instead of giving what he wants to give. Also such a person is able to give without expecting anything in return.

Experience: When there is even a little thought to share with others whatever I have, I would naturally be able to perceive my own inner treasures and experience being full. Sharing with others, whatever I can, enables me to get their good wishes also. I thus find myself experiencing the richness of life.

Friday, March 29, 2013

To be a creator means to use all treasures for a positive contribution.

Message for the day 

Expression: Even in the most negative situations, the one who has the thought of creation, works towards bettering the situation. Every thought, word and action is towards creation and not towards worsening the situation. Such a person is not concerned about who spoilt the situation or how it got spoilt. To the extent possible, he works towards bettering the situation.

Experience: When I am working towards creation, I am able to make the best use of my resources and treasures. I then experience constant progress. I also experience contentment of having made a contribution, however little it may be. I have no questions, but only answers under all circumstances.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Honesty brings success in relationships.

Message for the day 

Expression: Honesty means being the same inside out. Honesty with oneself helps one to bring about constant improvement in the self. Honesty with others enables one to relate positively under all circumstances. There is no rudeness but there is an openness that brings about love towards the other person.

Experience: When I am honest, I am able to experience progress in my own life and others are benefitted too with my own self-progress. I am able to maintain harmony in my relationship with others because I am open with them and I find myself successful in my relationships.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The one who works to remove the sorrow of others is the one who is loved by all.

Message for the day 

Expression: When there is the one aim of helping to remove the sorrow of others, there will be nothing negative while dealing with others. There will also be no expectations from others. Working with the natural desire to bring benefit to as many as possible, enables one to continue to contribute to whatever extent possible.

Experience: When I am able to have this one desire of helping others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution for others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introversion brings out the positivity within.

Message for the day 

Expression: Every human being has an innate positive nature because of the inherent qualities of love, peace, happiness etc. that are within. Introversion, the practice of looking within, enables one to be in constant touch with oneself and one's true nature. It helps express these qualities in everything that is done. Because of having practiced for a long time with them, these qualities emerge very naturally at the time of need.

Experience: The practice of being introverted helps me in experiencing those qualities within me, which otherwise remain hidden during difficult situations. Thus it makes me have true self-respect and enables me to finish my ego. It also gives me the power to recognise and accept my mistakes, thus giving me the courage to work on them successfully.

Monday, March 25, 2013

To recognise the uniqueness of my own personality is to be free from negative influence.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is aware of one's own uniqueness is able to create a strong influence on others of his own personality. So, such a person is not negatively influenced by anyone's personality traits. Even when there is a person with a very strong personality, he is still able to be free from negative influence.

Experience: When I am able to recognise and use the specialities that are within me, I am able to remain powerful within. In all circumstances and with all people I experience this innate power. Because I am constantly in touch with my own specialities, I am able to be light and happy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

To be ever ready means to guarantee success.

Message for the day 

Expression: The ones who are ever ready are active and so when a task comes up, they quickly understand it and attain success. They do not waste time and energy thinking too much about it. They recognize the importance of the task and involve fully in it and attain success

Experience: When I am ever ready I am able to be easy. Because I am easy, all tasks seem easy for me and effort put in for the success of the task also becomes easy. So I don't have to do a lot of effort but give my best. Thus I experience success every moment in all situations.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Greatness lies in humility.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is humble is always willing to learn - from others and situations. So whatever happens a humble person never reacts to the situations, but acts positively whilst being in a stage of self- respect. So there is greatness visible in the one who is humble.

Experience: Humility brings an experience of being full and complete. So naturally I am available for service, and have always the thought of bringing benefit to as many as possible. Humility also gives an experience of being a master, because no situation or person binds me, but I am able to experience freedom.

Friday, March 22, 2013

To be a self-sovereign is to be in control.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is a self-sovereign never finds difficulty in being in control. He doesn't have to go out of control and then bring himself back in control. The moment the order is given to the self, every thought, word and action is immediately in order.

Experience: To be a self-sovereign means to be aware of my own specialities and work with them. When I am a self-sovereign I experience myself to be free. This is because nothing binds me but I am able to win over my weaknesses too. Thus I find myself to be in total happiness in all situations.      

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The one who has faith is always victorious.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who has faith, has total faith in the self and in the progress of the self. The one who has faith is always successful because he gives his best in everything he does. He is never deterred by obstacles but progresses constantly.

Experience: When I have complete faith, I am able to experience lightness even when I am faced with my weaknesses, because I have the faith that I am progressing. I am able to learn and improve from everything that happens.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

To be free from the influence of the past is to have the ability to fly forward.

Message for the day 

Expression: There are so many things of the past that keep coming up in the mind again and again. Insead of being like birds holding on to the branches of the past; the one who looks at the clear sky gets the inspiration to move forward. To look at the clear sky means to look at the present moment and make the best use of it.

Experience: The ability to free myself from the negative influences of the past, enables me to have a vision of equality. I will then not be judging others on what my past experiences with them are. I also find myself experiencing the benefit of each and every moment. So I experience constant progress.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Creating quality thoughts brings happiness and lightness.

Message for the day 

Expression: When there is quality thinking, thoughts are not many, but each thought is special. Quality thoughts are reflected in quality words and quality actions. They reduce tiredness and carelessness as thoughts are fewer in quantity.

Experience: When I have good quality thoughts, I experience sweetness, happiness and self-respect. I am able to recognise my own greatness and move forward with lightness under all circumstances.

Monday, March 18, 2013

True love brings success in relationships.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is loving, likes to be with the others. Such a person will never try to be away even from people who are not loving towards him, but will be able to change the one who is not so loving with his own love. So the one who is loving is always successful in relationships.

Experience: Since I am a loving person, I am able to maintain this love for every person I come into contact with. Whether the other person is able to be loving or not, I find that I never lose my love because of being aware of my true nature.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The one who checks himself constantly is the one who experiences progress.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who keeps checking himself is also able to bring about a change in himself. Such a person takes each situation as a chance to learn something new and bring about some change for the better. So there is constant improvement in his life.

Experience: When something goes wrong, if I learn to check myself and bring about a change immediately, I will be able to experience constant progress. No situation will make me have negative feelings or make me stop, but I will be able to enjoy everything that comes my way.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

To stamp every thought with the stamp of determination is to be victorious .

Message for the day 

Expression: When there is determination in thoughts, there is naturally the ability to give the best in spite of all the obstacles. Situations will not deter such a person from achieving what he set out to. And so there is naturally constant victory for the one who is always determined.

Experience: When there is determination in my thoughts, I am never afraid, whatever happens. In fact obstacles only serve to strengthen determination. I never give up what I have started. It is determination that enables me to add power to my thoughts and make them practical.

Friday, March 15, 2013

To be free from wants is to be free from waste.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is free from wants is the one who is free from expectations. When there are no expectations, there is not too much thought about what is not there or what should be there. Since the mind is free from all these kind of waste thoughts, whatever is done is the best.

Experience: When I am free from wants or desires, I am able to always remain content. I can then appreciate and enjoy everything that comes my way, and do not expect anything both from situations and people. So the mind is free from waste thoughts and questions.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Speciality lies in experiencing one's fortune.

Message for the day 

Expression: When there is the awareness of one's fortune, there is speciality seen in every word and action, because of wanting to make the best of everything. There is also the pure desire of sharing with others, which also makes one special.

Experience: When I have the recognition of my own fortune, and am aware of what I have, I find myself content. I have no expectations but continue to make the best use of what I already have, for my benefit and that of others. So I find myself being special and making my own fortune.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The beauty of things lie in the ability to appreciate them.

Message for the day 

Expression: Nothing is positive or negative in itself, but the one who has the eye for positive things sees only positively even when there is negativity around. Such a person is like a swan, which separates and picks up only pearls from stones.

Experience: When I am looking only at the positive aspects, I am able to remain happy. If I am able to appreciate everything that comes my way, even if it is visibly negative, I find nothing to be a problem, but everything becomes enjoyable for me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To know the fruit of efforts will surely come is to remain happy and healthy.

Message for the day 

Expression: To know that the fruit of my effort will eventually come one day is to understand the importance of making effort. Once there is this understanding, it becomes easy to continue making effort, which is like nourishment that keeps one happy. So effort is never stopped till what has to be achieved is achieved.

Experience: Knowing that my effort will surely be fruitful makes me enjoy everything I do. It makes me remain happy, keeps me enthusiastic and free from tiredness, even when things are not going right for me. My mental happiness and well being thus keeps me healthy.

Monday, March 11, 2013

To give regard to other's ideas is to be a learner.

Message for the day 

Expression: Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress.

Experience: When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant self-progress. I will then never have the slightest feeling of failing, but will always experience success as a right, even if the result is not what I have expected. I experience positive feelings because of having put in the right effort.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Success is achieved through accurate efforts.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who puts in accurate efforts for the success of every task, naturally tries to do the best. Because of his own contribution, others too help him and contribute whatever they can to achieve what he sets out to do. So there is success in everything.

Experience: When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant self-progress. I will then never have the slightest feeling of failing, but will always experience success as a right, even if the result is not what I have expected. I experience positive feelings because of having put in the right effort.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lightness comes when words are accurate.

Message for the day 

Expression: Accurate words means there is nothing extra spoken. Whatever has to be said is said to the point. Such words being short are sweet to hear too and are those that never hurt others. They bring about the result needed accurately.

Experience: When my words are to the point, there is a lot of lightness experienced within me and my physical energy is saved too. Others too experience benefit through my words and so I naturally get blessings from them, which helps me move forward with lightness.

Friday, March 8, 2013

To have attention to accumulate is to experience constant progress

Message for the day

Expression: The one who has the attention to accumulate each and every moment makes sure that he uses well his treasures like thoughts, time etc. Then, there would never be anything waste or even ordinary. Instead each treasure would be used for the benefit of all.

Experience: Having attention to accumulate makes me realize the importance of whatever I have. This makes me pay attention on even little things and I find myself benefiting from each moment and with each thing that happens. Thus I experience constant progress.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Words filled with good wishes bring change in others.

Message for the day

Expression: When there are good wishes combined with the words that I speak, there is love. Whatever is spoken with love has its effect on others. Such words are free from all kind of negativity, so they naturally have a lot of power. Only such powerful words can bring about a change in others.

Experience: When I speak with love and good wishes, I find that I am light, knowing that I have no selfishness in whatever I have said. The others too are able to immediately correct themselves. This also enables me to gain good wishes for having taken them a step forward.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

To consider problems to be a game is to move forward with lightness.

Message for the day

Expression: Even when the most difficult problem comes my way, I am able to give my best when I understand the significance of whatever is happening. Because I never experience being subservient to the problem, I am always a master.

Experience: When I understand that problems are just a game, I am able to play whatever part I have to, externally. But internally I will experience lightness ato play. It would be easy to understand the significance of the part that I am playing and remain happy.      

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

To be merciful means to transform the pain and sorrow of others.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is merciful always has the feeling of mercy and is able to help those who are in need or in distress. Such a person is able to bring about transformation in others too because of his own pure feelings. He is able to put in effort that becomes a contribution for the progress of others.

Experience: When I have mercy for others, I am able to accept their feelings, emotions and behaviour and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then I am able to give them courage without being influenced negatively with their feelings of pain and sorrow. So my mercy influences myself positively too as I am able to keep myself positive under all circumstances.

Monday, March 4, 2013

To be free is to be free even from the bondage of things.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is dependent on the presence of a particular thing to succeed in a task is also under the bondage of that thing. Such a person will not be able to put in effort to his full capability since he is always thinking of what is lacking. On the other hand the one who tries to find a way to do the task at hand even when there is nothing available is the one who finds new resources. He is then able to use these resources too for accomplishing the task.

Experience: When I am thinking more about what is to be done rather than thinking about what is lacking, I am able to be content with what I have. I am able to appreciate every small thing that is present in my life that I could use for my own benefit and that of others. I am able to work for what I want to achieve without being caught up only with the desires.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

To live in the present is to be free from the influence of the past.

Message for the day 

Expression: Many times the past keeps coming back again and again in the mind, influencing the present too. The present is lost in thinking about the past. So there can be nothing done to enjoy the present. All words and actions then are totally coloured by the past. Instead the one who is able to free himself from the influence of the past is able to move positively towards the future.

Experience: To be free from the influence of the past it is important to have a powerful consciousness of the present. To be able to be free from the influence of the past is to forget the past. Because there is the understanding that it is gone. Also there is no worry about the future. When I am able to learn to live in the present I am able to discover how full it is of peaceful moments.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

To transform waste into something purposeful and powerful is to remain light.

Message for the day

To successfully transform something waste into something powerful and meaningful is to look beyond the situation and see what it has to teach. When there is the ability to do this, there is the ability to go on in spite of the most challenging obstacles. There is the deep understanding that nothing happens without a purpose. There is no time or energy wasted in wasteful company.

Experience: When I understand the significance of everything that happens, I am able to transform in a second. So I am able to remain light because I am able to put in sincere effort and free myself from the burden of waste. I also find that there is no problem in my relationships too, as I am able to understand others and behave accordingly.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Brahma Kumaris Traffic Control Songs

To have a clear aim of where the action will lead is to be successful in everything.

Message for the day

Expression: Many a times it so happens that one acts immediately seeing a situation. But the one who is successful analyses the situation and predicts the outcome of the action that he performs and then acts keeping the end result in mind. Because of knowing the consequences of the actions before actually performing that action, he is able to continue putting in effort in spite of the challenges and difficulties. So he continues to give his best to the task.

Experience: When I am able to give time to myself to think before performing any action, I am able to take the opportunity to be clear in my thinking. The consequences of the action I wish to take are clear in my mind and so, the action taken to overcome the situation is right. Hence, I receive easy and sure success.

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