Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happiness has the power to change even hopeless situations into hopeful ones.

Message for the day 31-07-2012
Happiness has the power to change even hopeless situations into hopeful ones. 

Projection: There is so much power in being happy that even in the most hopeless situations we can keep ourselves peaceful and happy. When we are able to maintain this stage we will find that things change for the better too. Our hope will work to change the situation. 

Solution: Let me think of one situation that I am not happy with. Let me make sure I accept the situation as it is without expecting it to change. This acceptance will give me the faith that things are happening for the best. With this faith even the most hopeless situation will turn positive. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

To surrender to God is to gain the power to face the different challenges of life.

Message for the day 30-07-2012
To surrender to God is to gain the power to face the different challenges of life. 

Projection: In the difficult situations that come in our life when we have faith in God and surrender to Him, the power within is brought out. Then we are able to use our inner power in a practical way. With the faith that God is with us, we can transform negative to positive, and impossible becomes possible. 

Solution: When any task demands strength beyond my capacity, let me make the all-powerful God my companion. With the power of His companionship I will find things a lot easier to handle. Because of my connection and companionship I will be able to give my best and help automatically comes. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The power of truth will enable us to learn from our mistakes.

Message for the day 29-07-2012
The power of truth will enable us to learn from our mistakes. 

Projection: The power of truth within will enable us to learn from all situations. When things go wrong we will be able to check ourselves and improve instead of giving excuses to the self and others. When we give excuses we will not be able to learn and progress. 

Solution: I need to think of one situation that went wrong today. Let me then check for myself what part I had to play in the situation because of which things went wrong. Le me then correct myself based on this understanding. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

To connect with the Supreme power (God) is to experience the divinity within.

Message for the day 28-07-2012
To connect with the Supreme power (God) is to experience the divinity within. 

Projection: The Supreme being (God) is an eternal source of all qualities. When we connect to Him in our minds, we are able to experience these qualities naturally. The more we connect with Him, the more it becomes easy to connect within too and experience inner divinity. 

Solution: Let me take this thought of being with God as His helper. Instead of just wasting my thoughts on what is not good, let me spend a few moments each day helping God in his task of creation through my pure thoughts of good wishes and pure feelings. This will enable me to experience inner divinity. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

The practice of the divine virtues makes one positive and powerful.

Message for the day 27-07-2012
The practice of the divine virtues makes one positive and powerful. 

Projection: When we are connected to our inner divine virtues, there is peace and beauty in our minds. Thus we find that concentration and memory power increase as every thought is connected to the inner divinity and positivity. 

Solution: When I am not able to take clear decisions or not able to see things clearly, I need to check the quality of my thoughts. I need to make effort to make my thoughts more pure and positive. I can do this when I am able to connect to the divinity within. This will make me experience power. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

To recognize the inner positivity is to be connected to our divinity.

Message for the day 26-07-2012
To recognize the inner positivity is to be connected to our divinity. 

Projection: When we recognize that we are pure beings with a lot of positivity inside, we are able to tap that inner divinity that lies hidden. Negative experiences and influences do colour our inner divinity. But in fact, we would love to be connected to our inner divine virtues and experience positivity under all circumstances. 

Solution: Whatever I want is what I am. In all my interactions and connections I would love to experience feelings of peace, love and happiness more than anything else. And so that is what I am. When I am connected to what I really want, I am able to experience the divinity within. Whenever a negative experience takes me away from the real me, I just need to remind myself of who I really am and what I really want. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

To have faith is to ensure victory.

Message for the day 25-07-2012
To have faith is to ensure victory. 

Projection: To believe in one's own victory is to give ourselves the wings and the strength to fly. With just this belief we will have the courage to work on our obstacles with ease and win over them. 

Solution: Before I restart anything that I had failed in before or even when I start a new important task, I need to make sure that I tell myself that I am victorious. When I remind myself again and again that 'victory is my birthright', I will automatically get the courage to succeed. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

God's love brings out the perfection from within.

Message for the day 24-07-2012
God's love brings out the perfection from within. 

Expression: The power of God's love brings about change internally. Through His love everything old and unwanted finishes. There is the natural tendency to bring about such perfection that the one who loves Him and gets His love becomes like a mirror - a mirror in which perfection of others too is visible. 

Experience: There is such inner strength that I get because of God's love that even if somebody does something to hurt me, I don't allow myself to get hurt. Even if people are saying negative things, they don't influence or touch me in a negative way. I am so full with God's love that it naturally flows out to those around me. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

To be connected with people's specialities is to have faith in them.

Message for the day 23-07-2012
To be connected with people's specialities is to have faith in them. 

Projection: Faith is more based on our perception of people rather than just their behaviour. When we have the habit of seeing specialities in each and every person, we are able to create space for the use of these specialities. This automatically reflects our faith in them and their ability to contribute. 

Solution: Let me make a firm practice of seeing at least one positive aspect in each and every person I come into contact with. Then I will be able to use this speciality in a practical way and help the other person also to use this speciality. In this way, I will be able to increase his capability and my faith in him. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The one who knows the art of connecting to others is successful.

Message for the day 22-07-2012
The one who knows the art of connecting to others is successful. 

Projection: We are normally good to people who are good to us. But when someone is not behaving well, we tend to change our attitude, our response and our behaviour towards that person. We wait for the other person to change, in order to change ourselves. So neither do we find change in others nor in ourselves. 

Solution: When I know the art of perceiving others’ specialities and connecting to them, I am always successful. I am then not dependent on the other person’s behaviour for my own growth. I am able to see each one’s positive aspect and take it in myself too. So I am richer with each interaction. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

To be balanced is to be successful in relationships.

Message for the day 21-07-2012
To be balanced is to be successful in relationships. 

Projection: To be balanced is to have the ability to do the right thing at the right time. It is the ability to use the head and the heart at the same time. It is the ability to have love and discipline. There is neither too much love nor too much discipline. There is an equal quantity of both. 

Solution: When there is balance in my every act I am successful in my relationships. Because of this I receive their blessings too. I experience success in all I do and am able to enjoy a life of bliss. I am not caught up with questions about anything but am able to get the solutions in a second. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Trust wins cooperation.

Message for the day  20-07-2012
Trust wins cooperation. 

Projection: If there is the thought that we can do things ourselves without other people's help, it means that we have arrogance of our own potential or we are not able to have trust for others. This lack of trust doesn't allow us to use others. potential for the benefit of the task. So we are deprived of a very useful resource and we will not be able to be happy. 

Solution: I need to understand the fact that there is greater success in cooperation. It is much more useful to invest my time and resources in training and developing others potential. This brings about the best from people and so there is a greater contribution and hence greater success in every task that I take up. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Creativity comes when there is happiness.

Message for the day 19-07-2012
Creativity comes when there is happiness. 

Projection: When challenging situations come our way, there is a tendency to think in a cyclic way to overcome that problem. That is, the mind thinks of the same things again and again to overcome the problem. The more the mind creates such thoughts, the more it is difficult to find a solution. There is no happiness and peace of mind at such times. 

Solution: Happiness touches the heart and enables the creativity to come from within. When I am happy I am able to enjoy and make the best use of each and every moment of my life. The one who is happy doesn't wait for the right opportunity to be creative, but uses each moment as a chance for using creativity - for bringing newness. I do something new, unique and different. So I also have the satisfaction of having done my best. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Determination with patience brings success.

Message for the day 18-07-2012
Determination with patience brings success. 

Projection: When we take up something new, we are quite determined and we would like to give our best to the end. We do that too. Yet we find that many times, we give up the task before we achieve success. We then tend to wonder at the cause for this lack of success, to the extent that we could label ourselves as failure. 

Solution: When I begin to do something, along with determination, I also need patience. Patience helps me to wait and watch calmly for the fruit of my effort to be seen. I am not in a hurry, yet I don't give up putting in effort. Patience gives me the ability to go on planting new seeds of effort knowing the fruit is sure to come. And so there is never failure, but only a journey towards success. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

To pack up from the past is to finish the negative impact of the past.

Message for the day 17-07-2012
To pack up from the past is to finish the negative impact of the past. 

Projection: We usually find ourselves to be slaves of the past. The situation has occurred and has gone by but we are not able to forgive and forget the past. We continue to think about it again and again. This brings about the same feelings and experience of the past and we are simply caught up in it. 

Solution: I need to free my mind of the past. I need to see what I have learnt from the past situation, take that and be free from it. I need to forgive and forget. I can forget only when I forgive and I can forgive only when I learn. When I take the learning from every situation. I am able to be free from being a slave of the past. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Success is achieved through accurate efforts.

Message for the day 16-07-2012
Success is achieved through accurate efforts. 

Projection: Normally we tend to associate success with what we get, rather than how much effort we put in. So sometimes when things don’t turn out the way we expect them to, we tend to have negative feelings because of the thought of being unsuccessful. So we tend to stop putting in further efforts for success. 

Solution: When I put in accurate efforts for the success of every task, I naturally try to do the best. Because of my own contribution, others too help me and contribute whatever they can to achieve what I set out to do. So there is success in everything. When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant self-progress, even if the result is not what I have expected. 

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