Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The foundation of a beautiful life is positive thoughts.

Message for the day 

Expression: The one who is constantly thinking positive is able to keep his words positive too. His actions would surely be positive also and would be those that bring benefit to the self and others. So to have positive thoughts means to make a beautiful contribution in making one's own life worthwhile.

Experience: When I continue to have positive thoughts, I create a foundation for a beautiful life. I am able to enjoy the beauty of whatever situations come up in my life. I am able to strengthen this foundation further because each positive thought multiplies as time passes by. So I am able to create a fertile ground for getting the best fruit from life.

Soul Sustenance 

Understanding The Process Of Birth And Death

When the body has become unserviceable due to age or disease, or it suffers a fatal injury, the soul leaves the body. At the moment of death, the soul withdraws its energy from the organs of the body and vacates its seat in the middle of the forehead. Like a bird, it leaves the cage made of skin and bones, and taking its .sanskaras., it enters into another, a new body, in the womb of the new mother. From the very birth, the .sanskaras. of a soul are apparent (visible); whether the "new-born" baby is happy, unbothered, sad, shy, mischievous, quiet, violent or agitated.

Death occurs at the precise moment when the account of giving and taking with other souls through a particular body is finished. The new birth is determined by the soul's account of .karmas. with another set of souls. One may be born into a cultured, wealthy family, another as a beggar, one may be born deaf, dumb, blind or crippled, another with a strong supple body. The type of body and the conditions of birth are determined by the thoughts and actions performed in the previous births.      

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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