Monday, August 2, 2010

To be an embodiment of power

Message for the day 02-08-2010
To be an embodiment of power is to be free from effort.

Projection: When we are faced with a difficult situation we usually try to make our mind positive at that time, but we find it very difficult to do so. We then give up making effort thinking that we don't have the power to change our nature. We continue to work with the weakness and strengthen it further.

Solution: In order to win over our weakness we need to become an embodiment of power. For this we need the practice of a long time of being powerful so that we experience the power within. Then the power that we want at that time will emerge naturally. Like a master we'll be able to order our inner powers and be free from the effort of changing negative to positive.

Soul Sustenance 02-08-2010
Commentary on Anger Management

Think slowly and visualize the following thoughts:

I am a soul, a concentrated spark of life energy, radiating light........
I am located between the eyebrows........
Now I visualize myself in the golden red light land of peace and stillness, my silent home - shantidham........
Here I picture a meeting with the Supreme Father, a star-like energy like myself but with unlimited power.......
I feel myself being drawn like a needle towards a magnet........
Like a laser beam, his powerful golden rays of peace fall on me........
I experience a divine union with the Ocean of Peace........
This union makes me calm, centered and composed........
As I release all negative emotions of anger from my system, I feel more and more relaxed........
I acquire an attitude of acceptance towards everyone and everything around me........
In the canopy (shelter) of the Ocean of Love, I forgive myself and others completely and release all resentments (negative feelings) now.......
I am now overflowing with peace and love and shall create harmony in all my relationships.......
I am receiving the spiritual power from the World Almighty Authority to remain in charge of my energies.......
Nothing can disturb my peacefulness now.......
I am a soul, a concentrated spark of life energy, radiating light........
I am located between the eyebrows........
Now I visualize myself in the golden red light land of peace and stillness, my silent home - shantidham........
Here I picture a meeting with the Supreme Father, a star-like energy like myself but with unlimited power.......
I feel myself being drawn like a needle towards a magnet........
Like a laser beam, his powerful golden rays of peace fall on me........
I experience a divine union with the Ocean of Peace........
This union makes me calm, centered and composed........
As I release all negative emotions of anger from my system, I feel more and more relaxed........
I acquire an attitude of acceptance towards everyone and everything around me........
In the canopy (shelter) of the Ocean of Love, I forgive myself and others completely and release all resentments (negative feelings) now.......
I am now overflowing with peace and love and shall create harmony in all my relationships.......
I am receiving the spiritual power from the World Almighty Authority to remain in charge of my energies.......
Nothing can disturb my peacefulness now.......

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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